Dr. Lisa Caparelli-Ruff

Regional Superintendent

GED Transcripts / Diploma


GED Transcripts / Diploma


Public Act 102-1100 created the State of Illinois High School Diploma, formerly the High School Equivalency Certificate, to recognize the completion of the GED program beginning January 1, 2023.

Our office maintains records for GED testing in Will County. 

How to request GED Transcripts

In office instructions:
1. Fill out GED Transcript/ Diploma Request Form in office
2. Provide ID
3. Official Transcript and Diploma are $10 each, can be paid with card, check or money
order. Cash is not accepted.                                                                                                                                                                             If you are not able to request in office:
1. Email completed GED Transcript/ Diploma Request Form to tsullivan@willroe.org
2. Attach a picture of the ID to email.
3. Once both are received expect a call for payment over phone with credit/debit card.

Constitution Test Requirement Reinstated

As of July 1, 2022, the Constitution Test requirement for the GED exam has been reinstated. Applicants may complete the Constitution Test in an online module free of charge. The Will County Regional Office of Education will no longer proctor on site testing. To register, go to:


Applicants requiring the Constitution Test in Spanish will be required to complete the online module when the Spanish version becomes available sometime before October 1, 2022.
Si requiere el examen en español, tienes que completar el examen cuando esté disponible. Está disponible antes del 1 de octubre de 2022.

Education Verifications

Please send all education verifications to either tsullivan@willroe.org or fax to (815)462-5402 with ATTN to Teague Sullivan. Signed release form is required, virtual signature is allowed. Education Verifications cannot be done over the phone.



To take the test online, candidates may register for the GED test or HiSET exam. To receive the discounted rate for the GED test and HiSET exam offered by the ICCB, enter code ILSAVE20 at checkout. Candidates may also register for exams or preparation classes through Joliet Junior College.

As of July 1, 2022, candidates will once more be required to complete the Constitution Test, which can be completed online here. The Constitution Test requirement for Spanish speakers has been reinstated since the launch of the Spanish constution module on February 2, 2023. If you have any questions about Illinois' policy, visit the GED site or contact hse@illinois.gov.

If you have any questions about registration or requesting your results, please contact Teague Sullivan at tsullivan@willroe.org or call (815) 462-5400.

* Please note that we do NOT maintain student records for public or private high schools. *


Joliet Junior College offers Pearson VUE computer-based testing and HISET computer-based and paper/pencil testing at the following testing sites: Main Campus, City Center, and Romeoville.

Enter the code ILSAVE20 at checkout to receive a discount.

Pearson VUE HiSET
Computer-based only Paper/pencil & Computer
Subjects Subjects
Math Math
Science Science
Social Studies Social Studies
Language Arts Language Arts Reading
  Language Arts Writing
Original Price/Price with Discount Original Price/Price with Discount
$30 per test or $120 for the whole battery Computer: $93.75 or $13.75 for the whole battery with discount
$10 per test or $40 for the whole battery with discount Paper/Pencil: $115 or $35 for the whole battery with discount
  HiSET Online: $141.25 or $61.25 for the whole battery with discount
Passing Scores Passing Scores
Score 145 out of 200 on each test subject Score 8 out of 20 on each subtest. Score 2 out of 6 on the essay. Score 45 total on all five subtests.
Registration Registration

